When I make my little bottles and vases, it reminds me of
times in my grandmother’s home, surrounded by her little collections and knick
knacks. Delicate porcelain figurines, glass vases, and candy dishes mingled
among the scent of White Shoulders and cigars. As I now make my own little
bottles and vases, it often brings me back to those sweet times of exploration,
and admiration of a time gone by.
Working with paper clay allows me to push clay to its
limits. Sometimes I’m surprised at how far I can push it! It has helped me to
bring my version/vision of old knick knacks to fruition.
My work starts out with sketches on a notepad I carry with
me everywhere. Inspiration can be found any place, or any time. When I am
working on a piece, it may start from an image on paper, but it takes on a life
of its own once hand meets clay. The end result may not be exactly as I
originally imagined, but it leaves open the possibility of the next piece I sit
down to create.