Thursday, January 26, 2012

Glaze Time

The Bowl-a-Thon was very successful. You made about 400 bowls and we are now almost at our goal of 2000 bowls.  NOW is the time to come into the School of Art to glaze your bowls. They are all fired and ready to go. We need everyone who made bowls to return to glaze your bowls. Please don't leave it for someone else to do because the bowls should be all yours.  You have until 5 pm, Feb. 4 to get them glazed and on the shelves which will be marked "Empty Bowls". Remember: the deadline is February 4 (Saturday).  
Open studio hours are Mon.-Thurs. from 12:30 to 9:30 p.m. and Sat. from 12:00 to 5:00. If you are not currently a student at SSA, please find a Guild member to help you with glazing. Don't do it if you are not familiar with the process. 

Next Meeting: Sushi!

MAKING SUSHI and not out of clay

WHERE: Copper Kitchen, Southwest School of Art 
WHEN:   February 13 - Monday - note the date change - at 6:30 p.m.
PROGRAM: Making Sushi.  Ryan Takaba will show us how to roll sushi (no raw fish will be used). You will all get a chance to help make a roll and eat it too! This is a free event for current members. If you bring a guest or are not a member, it will be $3. Some of the rolls will be vegetarian and/or gluten free. 

Please RSVP to to let her know if you want to come. This way, we will have an idea of how much to buy.

So to summarize: the day of the week has changed only for this meeting due to Ryan's schedule
You should please let Leslie know if you are coming. If you just show up, she may fit you in, but try not to. A reminder will be sent.

Friday, January 13, 2012

It is 10:45 and we have potters already producing bowls. I am excited to see how many we can make this weekend. The air will be dry (and filled with pollen) so we should be able to have some potters throw and trim on the same day. Check out facebook for updates through out the weekend. We are up and "Bowling!"

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Free Tent Fram

Mary Lance would like to offer a free tent frame. It doesn't have a cover and it is slightly rusted in places. Contact her at  if you are interested or need more information.

Bowl-a-Thon 2012

Less than a week away and the Guild is hosting a bowl-a-thon at Southwest School of Art. Last year we make 500 bowls over the course of 3 days.
Jan. 13 from 10-9 pm
Jan. 14 from 12-6 pm
Jan. 15 from 12-5 pm.
If you are on Facebook go to Bowl-a-thon Event and rsvp! You can comment here too to confirm you'll attend. It's recommended you come two days. One to throw and one to trim. But if you can't, pray for dry weather and place the bowls outside to speed up the drying process.  SSA will fire the work once it is dried and we'll let everyone know the glazing date. Imagine you get to throw high fire clay for free! It's pot-luck.  See you there.