Sunday, December 11, 2011

Volunteering with the Guild

True story. Volunteering with the Guild made me a better artist. Me, being Sarah Shore, your webmaster, blog master and trying to be your PR chair. Some 20 years ago I moved to San Antonio from the north country (Iowa to be exact). My only experience with clay came from a few semesters of college course at my small college. I was a painter and was quickly getting bored with it. After years of teaching clay to my students I realized I really enjoyed the process. What did I do next? Join the Potters Guild. Through the Guild I met so many excellent artists. By volunteering in various ways I got to know them better. Talking shop kept my brain buzzing with ideas. The beauty of clay is that you never really stop learning. There is always another technique to tackle, new teachers to take classes from. Volunteering for the first time is like starting school in the middle of the school year. You are the new "kid" and finding how you fit in may take awhile. Start out with what you are good at. There is a list of committees on the website. Our next two big events are the Juried Exhibition and Empty Bowls. My first volunteering job was with Empty Bowls.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

What is RSS Feed

"RSS (Rich Site Summary) is a format for delivering regularly changing web content. Many news-related sites, weblogs and other online publishers syndicate their content as an RSS Feed to whoever wants it."

By registering adding your email address, you can receive updates for this blog. I currently have my gmail account and this blog registered for rss feed. Many sites have a feed set up. You can decide how you receive it. I have them up on the bookmark toolbar.